


Release Number


Release Date

Feb 24, 2023

New Features

→ Bulk upload of documents

Please click here to view guidance documentation

The process of creating events through CSV import now includes the ability to attach files to events. This brings the possibility to push out official documentation such as certificates and results onto the timelines of your users in bulk.

→ Mock runs of bulk uploads can now be previewed

During the mock run process of a CSV import the events which will be created can be previewed before the import is run for real. This helps to ensure all the data will be populated in the events as expected.


→ Dashboard display of relations and role connections

Please click here to view the guidance documentation

Dashboard and summary pages now have the ability to choose which relations and role connections to display within a profile tile. This enables multiple profile tiles to display different information, for example current location, current supervisor, next location etc.

The order in which all selected relations are shown can now be defined directly from the relations list within the application.


→ Multi reports downloadable to CSV

When downloading to CSV a multi report will be generated as a zip file containing one file per multi report section.

→ Current date and time within multi report text elements

When adding a text element within a multi report there are new placeholders available to display the date and/or time at which the report is generated.

→ Blueprints and Relations can now be duplicated

→ Notification emails are no longer sent by default when creating events using the API


  • Event Types, Reports, Blueprints, Relations, Roles and User fields can be ordered by the most recently changed

  • Optimisations to the speed of linking events to goals and calculations of progression

  • Creation of Event Types, Reports, Relations and Blueprints have been moved to use API to make the process more robust

  • The button title to trigger an anti-plagiarism check is customisable

  • Local passwords must be 12 characters in length

  • Files can be previewed where supported by the browser. This results in fields opening in a new tab rather than downloading where possible.

  • Audit logs for Roles, User Fields, Blueprints, Relations, Event Types and Reports

  • Blueprint Maps usage can be set within the application

  • SQL reports use automatic scaling to increase the speed of generation

  • Browser tabs display the name of the page on mouseover

  • Vimeo links now support videos stored in folders within a Vimeo account


  • Bulleted lists were not rendering with the correct indentations when more than one level is used