
Following table lists all supported combinations of Practique application and Apple iOS versions with indication on which versions of iOS Practique application has been extensively tested.


Practique version

iOS 7 and lower

iOS 8.0.x - iOS 8.3.x

Installation via backend '/ipad page' not supported.

Install via Apple Configurator or MDM

iOS 8.4.xiOS 9.0.x - iOS 9.1.x iOS 9.2.x
>= 4.0.0NoYes?YesYesYes
>= 2.1.27NoYesYesYesYes
<= 2.1.26NoNoNoNoNo

No - Not supported for the iOS version

Yes? - Supported, testing required

Yes - Supported, fully tested

New versions Practique for iPad will discontinue support for all versions of iOS8 by 1st September 2016. In order to use Practique for iPad on iOS8 after the 1st September 2016 you will need to keep using latest version at that time.

Newer versions released after 1st September 2016 will drop support iOS8.

Upcoming release

Upcoming release is next major update of the Practique application. While we publish the current progress of the release we don't provide pre-releases to customers by default.

If you wish to participate in testing pre-release version of Practique application please contact us via Service desk. If you choose to participate in testing you can always easily revert to any previous stable version of Practique application.

There is currently no beta test release available.


Current releases

This page contains list of releases and changes for the Practique application for iPad.

4.0.0 Comenius - To be released

This is major release of Practique for iPad, please refer to separate release notes 4.0.0 Comenius.

2.1.28 - 26th November 2015

2.1.27 - 24th November 2015

This release is required by the fact that Fry-IT Apple distribution certificates expired and had to be re-newed. As this requires us to acquire new certificates from Apple and reissue applications with new certificates we have to release new application.

Please upgrade your iPads to at least this version of the application.

2.1.26 - 15th October 2015

2.1.25 - 9th October 2015

2.1.23 & 2.1.24 - 6th September 2015

2.1.22 - 1st September 2015


Document change history