
Release Number


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New Features

Relation filters within goals: Automatically track and amend the measurement of training time

Please click here to view guidance documentation.

The progress of students/trainees can be measured and tracked using Kaizen’s goals functionality. These goals are a way to track how students/trainees are progressing throughout the years of their course. It is therefore often the case that there is a need to make sure events are counting towards the correct year/level/rotation of each person’s course.

In order for the events to link to the correct element of a training course it is necessary to define dates for each of these elements within the goals. Previously the method of doing this was to define specific dates, e.g. count events that are created between 01/09/2020 - 30/07/2021. If the dates of this specific academic year/rotation were to change it necessitated a manual change by administrators to each user’s goals. If any changes were needed to be made to accommodate a student needing to extend their academic year it resulted in administrators needing to manually amend the user's goals.

As the information containing each person’s academic year/rotation is often applied as a relation we have simplified the setup process by introducing the ability to define time periods within goals using existing relations. This removes the need to define specific dates within the goals for each user, and automates the adjustment of each users goals after any change to academic year/rotation. This new functionality is available when defining filters within periods or targets within goal configuration.

The ability for goals to utilise existing relations brings the additional benefit of being able to adjust a person’s training time through integration using the Kaizen API and for this change to be automatically represented within their goals. This greatly improves data accuracy and ensures there is now only one source of data for each person’s training time.

Blueprint field name: Customise the name of blueprints used within events

Please click here to view the guidance documentation.

When using a Blueprint within an Event the title of the Blueprint has always been used as the label for the field. This has meant that wherever the same Blueprint is used across multiple Events the field label would always remain the same.

Now you can customise the field label whenever a Blueprint is used within an Event. The new visible label on the form field allows you to choose what the end user will see when they are completing this form.

This brings the potential to greatly reduce the number of blueprints required in order to manage the display of fields across different forms.

